As a creative , you are naturally inclined to create stuff and be innovative, sometimes you need some sort of boost to harness this potential and it is important to surround yourself with the things that do just that.

Creatives are naturally gifted with talents most times, in most cases more than one talent and are most times responsible for most of the data and information in the public space. There are other categories of people such as the fixers, the thinkers and the strategists amongst others and it is very possible to belong to more than one category naturally but for the purpose of this piece I will be sticking with just the creatives. There are lots of ways to harness your potential and develop as a creative, while this can be a really broad subject i would try to keep it as brief as possible by highlighting just a few key points.

Being a creative means you can come up with stuff out of the blue and develop it into something of standard. To do this, it is important to surround yourself with tools that help you develop your potential ranging from the people you hang out with to the kinds of information you keep and even your lifestyle choices such as fashion, events and general well-being amongst others. Another very important factor is exposure to technology and gadgets more especially our laptops and mobile devices. 

With the constant evolution of modern day technology a lot of us spend more of our free time on electronic gadgets and this can be a very essential tool in developing yourself as a creative. Now while there are tons of things to do on your phones and other electronic devices do not forget that a lot of these activities are also capable of wasting quality time and slowing your personal development if not properly controlled.

One way to prevent this from happening is making sure that more of the apps and activities you indulge in with your mobile and electronic gadgets contribute immensely to your personal development. There is an application for almost everything now and I am pretty sure by engaging with such applications you will be doing yourself a lot of good. For instance someone with cooking skills should try engaging more with cooking and restaurant related games and content on social media as well as TV programmes centered around cooking to help harness and improve the craft, while someone with writing skills may want to engage more with writing and reading related apps and social media as well as media contents, the same applies for, artistes, bloggers, beauticians as well as others as well. The key point is making sure that whatever you indulge in is able to harness your natural potential better and also improve your skills, it is also possible to have more than one skill, or discover new skills and harness them as well, for instance if you have a flair for fashion but you are not into it, engaging with fashion related content will further boost your fashion sense and you will find that you are becoming a fashionista even unconsciously and someday it may even become something you can face fully too.

In conclusion, the world is gearing towards a point where your skills will speak for you more than you thought it would and it is advisable to invest as much as you can into refining the skills you possess, so that it speaks quality and increases your value. Nothing you invest in yourself ever goes to waste.

Have an amazing week!!!
