Accents are one of the basic ways of identifying various people and their origins asides from their looks and other characteristics. Over the years, I have heard different accents from different people and each accent is unique and identifiable in a way. Accents have a lot to do with places of origin and upbringing as well as the people we have around us while growing up. As kids growing up, we tend to imitate almost everything we see around us and these are some of the factors that shape us into what we become as adults and this also includes the accents we pick up and in most cases, we only have a little or even no form of control over it.

Over time I have also heard certain conceptions or would I say misconceptions from various people on how they feel people should sound and the kind of accents they should speak with, this has sometimes included trolling and some sort of accent shaming. I feel like this is because of some form of domination or mental colonisation that is still very much in play. I also feel like everyone wants to sound American or British sometimes to be reckoned with or feel accepted and I believe this is because of the reputation that comes with being viewed as an American or a Briton. Perhaps they feel sounding like them shows that they have some form of exposure or class. 

A lot of people tend to feel inferior and try to force accents to appeal to their listeners in some cases and I do not think this is necessary. A person's accent is their identity and part of what makes them unique and special. Some people are reluctant to speak in gatherings because they feel people will not appreciate them for their accent. Some people also instantly profile people once they hear their accent and it does not sound like in the movies. This often leads to some sort of social distancing and reduces the ability of some people to relate well especially when they find themselves amidst a certain group of people who speak differently from them.

I do not honestly see anything wrong with speaking with your indigenous accent if that is what you have. I personally love hearing different accents because I see it as some form of social tourism. Learning about other people and their uniqueness and coming to terms with it. We can't all sound the same and we shouldn't,(I mean, where is the excitement in that anyways?). It is okay to feel secure with your accent, the best that you can do is to make it as clear as possible so that whoever you are communicating with can hear you clearly, but having to force an accent should not be something anyone should have to do,( it comes out pretty horrible most times, so yea). Speak how you feel comfortable, it is your identity and you should carry and represent it well.

I would like to hear your view and takes on this discussion as well, Kindly leave them in the comment section.


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