Being kind to yourself involves doing things that make you feel better about yourself and fulfilled in life. It involves doing those little things that bring you peace of mind and make your life worth living. Often times we do a lot of things that do us more harm than good either in order to achieve something or satisfy someone. While sometimes in life it is important to make sacrifices, we should not forget that this should have a limit and we can also make it up to ourselves in other ways if necessary in order to feel better.

Showing kindness to yourself regularly has an amazing effect on overall well-being, it enhances the mental health and relieves stress which in turn also affects our physical well-being positively. It also makes us happier and more at peace from within with ourselves and all that are around us. It gives an avenue to enjoy the good that life has to offer us and can also enhance our productivity. However, it is also important to note that being kind to yourself may involve a little pinch of selfishness and for some people who naturally always prefer to put others first it may come off a bit tough but once you follow your guts and make a decision you will definitely find out that it was totally worth it.

Keeping negative energy out.

One of the first steps in being kind to yourself is keeping negative energy out, there will always be people who will not like you irrespective of what you do or who you are, some may show it others won’t. Taking in too much negative energy may cause you to also give off negative energy, keeping toxic friends or people who you know do not really like you falls under this category as well  as paying attention to gossips and naysayers. A lot of us keep friends who we know do not like us close because we want them to witness our success and I do not think this is in our best interest. Such people give off negative energy and this sometimes is enough to hinder good things from coming our way as well as attract haters to every achievement we make. I personally like to filter my contacts and friend’s lists occasionally to cut off anyone who I feel may not have my interest at heart and I also make sure to reconnect with good friends who I may be losing touch with, these are the kinds of people you want to have around. I will do a more comprehensive article on this in one of my next blogs so please be on the lookout.

Surrounding yourself with nice people. 

It is also important to surround yourself with nice people and people who bring you joy and motivation. Sometimes we lose touch with good old friends, but with the help of technology and social media now, it is quite easier to keep in touch with our amazing friends. Keeping a company of great people with nice personalities is a life booster, we find ourselves at peace in their company and we can also express ourselves freely with them knowing that they understand and support us and having that support and understanding will definitely encourage and motivate us in anything we choose to do hence making us happier and more productive in life.

Filter the things you let get to your emotions. 

It is also important to filter things you allow to get to your emotions, when you are on a path to self-fulfilment especially when it involves success, you may start to hear things being said about you either to your face or behind your back that may almost throw you off balance. You may also start to experience some betrayals and some people who you did not expect may start to give off some vibes such as withdrawing, cutting you off and even trying to leech off you. Some people may want to copy you and try to compete with you who you did not expect and sometimes this may even seem surprisingly unbelievable but it happens. Now there are some people who will try to compete with you in a healthy way, they see what you are doing and they like it so they also threaded that path and you support each other and that is actually really cool, but there are some people who will just assume you have things easy and want to get to where you are overnight and sometimes these people are not willing to put in any work and may even expect you to abandon yourself and put in the work for them, these are the kinds of people you don’t want in your emotions. They will constitute an emotional burden which can weigh you down if you keep them around.

Make yourself feel good. 

Last but definitely not the least, it is important to know and do things that make you feel good. Put your well-being into consideration when making decisions. Take little breaks when you can and give yourself affordable treats often. We live to work and we work to live, so if all you do is work without living at all, you may be cheating yourself at life. Know the things you like as a person, it could be personal time indoor or some outdoor time, buying yourself nice things or gifting yourself, getting a spa treatment, it could also be spending quality time with family and friends, or even the little things such as spending a day at the mall or enjoying a well cooked meal or a mini vacation, the list is endless. One of the most important aspects of being kind to yourself is to know the things that make you feel good and to do them as often as you can also. This will keep you happy at all times and also give a sense of fulfilment in life because you feel at peace knowing that you are actually living the life that you we born to live. Be kind to yourself and being kind to others around you will come naturally. 

Have a great day and stay happy...
